Whew, what a week! Sorry for the lack of posts guys, but I have been one busy bee! I scored a new full time job that I’m really stoked about as the lead web developer for one of the leading E-Cigarette brands which is going to take up a majority of my time. Anyway, I didn’t play a ton of Planet Coaster this week, but I did manage to squeeze out a couple of new workshop items. I really love this game, and play it in a similar style like I did the Sims. I never really play the management or simulation portion of the game… I just like to build. It’s like a big ass digital box of legos to me. I really find it relaxing to just design modern architecture and then share it to the workshop.
So over the course of the week, I kicked out the following 6 Workshop items:
Small 1×1 Square Modern Water Fountain
Download it here.
Modern Hot Dog Squad Restaurant
Download it here.
Public Tennis Courts Complex
Download it here.
Modern 104 Room Hotel
Download it here and here. There are two sections to it.
Modern Lily Pad Shaped Plaza Pillar
This is one of my personal favorites. Download it here.
Modern 75 Foot Tall Arch
Download it here.
If you use any of these in your own Planet Coaster build, be sure to drop me a line and send me some screencaps! I’m going to eventually put together a post with a compilation of the work you guys are doing using my stuff. I’ve seen some really neat uses of my pieces over on Reddit. You guys are all so talented!
Until next time coaster heads, be sure to check out all of my other Planet Coaster coverage here. If you have ideas for things you would like to see me build, drop it in the comments below! Be sure to follow me on Steam. Stay out of trouble!