First things first, I need to apologize for not posting for a while. Sometimes life gets busy and some things slip through the cracks. With that out of the way, just because I haven’t posted in bit doesn’t mean I haven’t fired up Planet Coaster from time to time and been messing around with things! In fact, I’ve come up with my “Zen Series” of original designs. I still build real life buildings and monuments from every now and then, but recently I’ve been going balls out on my own original creations. The last couple of weeks I’ve been focusing on creating a set of modern and contemporary skins for each of the flat rides in the game, and they have been turning out really awesome!
You should head on over to my steam workshop and download a couple of them for the park you’re working on. They fit into a large variety of themes because they are all pretty neutral. Each one is unique and not just the same idea over and over for each ride so if you wanted you could build an entire park with them. Along with the ride skins, I have tons of other real neat builds some of which now have gotten quite a few downloads!
Here are just a few of the many I’ve got up there for you to use!
1 comment. Leave new
Awesome post! Keep up the great work! 🙂