Yo yo! How’s it going everyone?!? It was a busy week of mostly work and not a lot of play, but I have made up for that this weekend! I needed to take a break from my Las Vegas Strip park build… I was starting to burn out on it a little bit and I decided to try my hand at a themed roller coaster I could upload to the Steam Workshop. That means I have to chill on detail a bit and keep it under 2,000 pieces. I spent some time poking around at all of the bad ass stuff the community is coming up with, and figuring out an original idea was more difficult than I expected. Just about everything has been done up to this point at least once. Then, after going over my favorite childhood movies and running search after search on the Steam Workshop for them I finally found one that no one has yet to build anything relating to yet, The Last Starfighter! And so it was born… World I introduce to you The Last Starfighter Launched Coaster!
I bet a lot of the younger generation have no idea what this movie is… For those of you who have not seen this movie before, see it now! It was released in the summer of 1984 which is considered by many one of the best summer movie seasons ever! That year saw the release of Ghostbusters, Red Dawn, Gremlins, The Karate Kid, and Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom among others and it got lost in the shuffle and was largely ignored at the time. Here is the original trailer and here is a fan made trailer done in a more current style. Both are worth the few minutes of your time. I must have watched this flick over 500 times as a kid.
This was basically a 2 1/2 day build. I spent Friday evening and Saturday morning building the assets including the Gunstar Ship, The Starlite Starbrite Trailer Court sign and grocery store, the trailer park, and the base on Rylos. Then I spent most of Saturday evening and this morning building and polishing off the coaster itself. I gotta say, it’s probably the best original coaster design I have come up with. I’ve always struggled to make realistic coasters, and this is by far the closest I’ve come to something they might make in real life. And on top of that, I tried to sync up the movements of the coaster along with the theme song from the movie! It all came out as my buddy Matthew McConaughey would say, “Allright allright allright!”.
Anyway, here are some screencaps of the ride:
And of course a new ride isn’t complete without a YouTube POV of it! Here ya go…
I hope you guys had a great weekend! Until next time, be sure to check out all of my other Planet Coaster coverage right here.
Download the ride from the Steam Workshop here.
Download the Gunstar class ship right here.
Stay out of trouble ya’ll!