Welcome back, or if it is your first time here, welcome! I’ve had a little bit of time over the x-mas break to do some work on my Planet Coaster Las Vegas Strip park build and made some progress I wanted to share on here. From here on out, I plan on keeping this blog about my daily changes to the park, and will update the map on Steam every 10 days or so with all of the new changes. I’m also planning a “Let’s Play” YouTube series on this build soon. On to the changes so far…
I have been wanting to finish up Mandalay Bay, and finally got around to laying the casino floors and Event Center around the towers. I was also able to detail it pretty nicely and added the Fries shop inside of it along with the MGM Resorts Tram station. I’m still not entirely sure how or if I’m going to do the windows on the towers. If you look at pictures of the them, they kind of resemble what I have so far. I tried adding those small wire pieces in the games Sci-Fy theme to create the illusion of the windows but didn’t like the look of it and removed them. Back to just the flat “gold” look. Anyway, here is how it turned out.
I also did some more work on the New York-New York Hotel & Casino by finally getting in that parking garage in the back to block the view of the beginning of the coaster POV and add some more realism. I also added quite a few details to the front of it, the side that faces the strip. I have spent so many hours building this one up, I sort of can’t wait to just be done with it. I am also using WAY more pieces on it than i want. I want to try to stay on a budget of under 4k pieces per resort. It’s tough though. lol
As for the tops of some of the buildings in New York, I’m still undecided on how I’m going to finish them off. I could end up blowing 1k pieces on those alone easily. Not sure if it’s worth it. Gonna ponder that some more.
I added the Parking Garage to the Steam Workshop. You can grab it here if you want.
Here are some screencaps of the new work on New York-New York.
It helps that I live here in Las Vegas in order to capture some of the unique details of the strip. I drive on it almost daily and know it pretty well. Expressing some of those details though with the limited “piece-set” of Planet Coaster along with not getting carried away on fine details that would blow hundreds of pieces can be tough. I know I still have a ton to build, and am already at somewhere along the lines of 30k pieces so far. Each piece slows down the game a little bit, and I want this to still be somewhat playable on decent computers when I’m finally done. That’s why I set up a piece budget of around 3 to 4k per resort, but New York has blown past that so far. It’s because of the roller coaster in there I’m going that extra mile so riding it is pretty realistic but such is life. Anyway, I have some time tonight to do some more building and plan on working on the Bellagio a bit. I’ll post my progress in the next day or two… Until then!
You can grab a copy of this park build on the Steam Workshop here.
Be sure to check out all of my Planet Coaster coverage here.
I would love to get your guys thoughts, feedback and ideas for this build! Leave them below. 🙂