Whew, what a week! My new job kept me pretty busy, but it was a crazy week for me and Planet Coaster! For starters, my Las Vegas Strip build was featured on Channel 5 Gaming on YouTube which was really cool. Got a few new fans of my work from that. You can check that video out here. Also, I was featured on the Planet Coaster community stream with one of the games designers which was a real honor. They said some really nice things about my work which I found really flattering. You can check out that video here. Fast forward to the 36:00 mark for my stuff.
So for most of this week I worked on a Powered Launch Coaster and a station to go along with it. It came out really good I think. I posted it to the Steam Workshop late last night and it’s already at #3 for the week! Here is hoping for the #1 spot and maybe a feature! lol There are so many talented creators out there, I’m just stoked to even make the top 10. heheh, We all need goals though.
Anyway, here are some screencaps of the new ride.
I’m going to try and get a video up of it, but I’ve been getting absolutely horrible FPS even when using Cheatengine. I may just put up what I got anyway because a lot of people request video and I’m kinda stuck like chuck until I can save up some money and get a new rig. This one is a few years old and really shows its age when trying to capture Planet Coaster video. ugh.
Grab this on the Steam Workshop here.
Also, just a note that I got quite a few more items up on my workshop besides just this coaster. If you are into modern architecture you will probably appreciate my stuff. If you are into the classic victorian era stuff, you probably will not. lol You can visit my workshop here. While there be sure to follow me to keep up to date on all my latest Workshop postings! Until next time coaster fans, stay out of trouble!