Hey all! Sorry for the recent radio silence, but I’ve been putting in some pretty serious hours with the new Planet Coaster full release. In the last 2 weeks, I’m at around 75 hours logged and am getting pretty comfortable with all of the different building tools. I am so in love with this game. It’s been a long time since a game has gripped me like this. Major props to the Frontier Development team for a successful launch and for creating an absolute must have game. I’ll be starting a “Let’s Play” series on YouTube in the next week or so so keep your eyes open for that. I have some neat ideas for a massive six-flags type park.
Well here we are less than two weeks from the launch and we have our first small update. That’s why I love these guys so much… They are so on their game! (No pun intended.) This Planet Coaster version 1.0.1 update to the game is mainly about optimization, some small tweaks and of course bug fixes. In it is also a grip of new Blueprints. They also added a much more difficult “Hard Mode” to the sets of challenges. And speaking of the different game modes…
As a “Thank You” to all of us fans of the game, Frontier is giving away 3 high-end gaming PC’s! To enter, all you have to do is get stars in the career mode. Every star you collect is an entry for the computers. The more stars you get, the better your chances of winning! So I went through and beat them all… Got all 36/36 stars! It wasn’t easy if you were wondering. Some of the goals you have to meet are really difficult.
After browsing through some of the stats on Steam regarding the Accomplishments given for getting all the Gold stars in Career Mode, I seem to be in some pretty elite company with only .02% of the Planet Coaster players having done this. Pretty proud of this accomplishment! Anyway, here is more about the competition from the Planet Coaster Steam blog:
To celebrate Thanksgiving we’re giving thanks to our amazing community who have given us so much support. Think you can finish all Scenarios with three stars? Well, you now have even more incentive to do so: we are giving away THREE HIGH-END GAMING PCs at the end of this amazing competition!
Starting now, you have 14 days to gather as many Scenario stars as possible. Every star you get will then earn you ONE entry for the sweepstake in which we’ll give away these awesome prizes – so if you get 14 stars, you’ll get 14 entries; simple!
This special Thanksgiving competition will end on December 7, 2016, at 10AM GMT. We will then verify the number of stars on all valid entries and this will be the number of sweepstake entries for that person. You won’t need to tell us in how many stars you’ve gained or wait till the end of the competition.
Check out the full post right here.
Now stop reading this and go get into Planet Coaster career mode right now! Have you gotten 36/36 stars too? Lemme know in the comments below.
Be sure to check out all of my Planet Coaster coverage here.