Happy Friday guys! To celebrate, I’ve released a centerpiece I built for a modern park I’ve been mucking around with. This building is loosely based on the Cathedral of Brasilia, but seeing as though this is an amusement park and I’m not religious in any way shape or form, I took it in a different direction. I’ve been getting a lot of messages from you guys with links to pictures and YouTube videos of how you have been using my stuff I put up on the workshop, and I’m really flattered and truly appreciate all of the support the Planet Coaster community has been giving me, especially on Reddit! My image gallery with my Guggenheim Museum build was #1 on there all day yesterday and I got lots of really positive feedback. I decided to put this up on the Steam Workshop because I’m really curious how you guys are going to use it!
It stands at over 140 feet tall and is the perfect park weenie. You can use it for a coaster station, a food court, for some flat rides, or whatever else you can think up! The interior looks really polished as well as the exterior and it’s ready to go. I even painstakingly added lights all over the outside which turned out really good.
Feel free to use it however you want! Just be sure to give me some credit and to send me a link to your work so I can see it! As always keep sending me your suggestions for future builds! I got something exciting lined up to be built this weekend and I’ll post a little progress update on Sunday to catch you all up. Anyway, have a wonderful weekend and stay out of trouble!
Oh, you didn’t think I would leave you all without the customary screencaps and link to the item in the workshop did ya? … Wait for it… Grab it here from the Steam Workshop! And the screencaps:
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